Keeping the Faith

Recently I shared some thoughts on having perspective and trusting in God’s plan ( In that post, I reflected on three life changing events that shaped my outlook on life and guided me on my faith journey. My closing thoughts for that entry were: “Life can be difficult and stressful at times, but we need to remember that God will provide, He always does, we just need to have faith and a little perspective.” As I was writing those words, I felt confident in the direction that my life was headed. I was at peace, unaware that God had other plans for me and that I was about to experience another significant event. An event that would take me into one of the most difficult times of my life and would put my own words to the test.

A couple of months ago, after more than twenty years in the workforce, I suddenly found myself without employment. It was unexpected and I was caught completely off guard. After the initial feeling of shock subsided, I immediately found myself in a swirling pool of emotions. A constant carousel of anger, sadness, disbelief and fear. Eventually feelings of anxiety started to creep into my thoughts. How am I going to support my family? What are we going to do for health insurance? How long can we last financially without a regular paycheck?

Amid these emotions that, if left unchecked, had the potential to pull me down, I felt God’s loving hand. As if it was placed on my shoulder with a message of -Everything will be ok, Trust in Me. I experienced this firsthand the morning after I lost my job. I went to Mass to calm my feelings. I wanted to be in God’s presence and receive some inspiration on what I should do next. I entered church in a daze still trying to comprehend what had just happened to me and as I sat down, I noticed a Novena to St. Jude pamphlet next to me on the pew. St. Jude is the patron saint of impossible causes and people often pray to him when they are faced with situations that seem insurmountable. As I thought about the significance of this, my mind started to wander and to be honest, I was not fully participating in Mass. I was working hard to regain the peacefulness that I usually feel at Mass and then the music started to play. The communion song for that day was Turn to Me, which contains the following line – “I am He who comforts you, who are you to be afraid”. As I sang these words, I felt an immediate sense of comfort and was overcome with emotion. God presents Himself and speaks to us in many ways, but we must be open to hearing the message. I knew when I left Mass that day that He was communicating that everything would be ok and that I should remember to follow my own advice from a few months ago and place my trust in Him.

Over the next few days and weeks, I experienced many highs and lows and each time I started to have doubt or worry about what was coming next, I would experience signs of God’s love and encouragement. I was so moved by these experiences that I started keeping a journal so I could reflect on these moments in the future. With everything that comes our way in life it can be easy to forget that God is always with us, especially during our most challenging times. When we experience something traumatic it can seem like God has forgotten us, but nothing can be further from the truth. He loves us and He will never abandon us. So great is this love that He sent His son Jesus to save us from our sins and show us the path to everlasting life. So great is this love that through the Holy Spirit, God gives us the guidance, wisdom and strength that we need to overcome whatever life has dealt us. We should always remember that our lives are in His hands and He will lead us in the right direction. As Pope Francis stated while speaking to a crowd gathered in St. Peter’s Square in 2016, “Our only certainty is that our life is in the hands of the Lord, and that God will never abandon us”.

I still have sleepless nights and worry about supporting my family but what gets me through each day is prayer. I pray often but I do not pray for a new job. I pray for God’s continued love and I thank Him for all the blessings in my life. I pray for guidance and the wisdom to recognize when God is speaking to me. I pray for the courage to get through this difficult time in my life. I pray for patience as I know this process may take some time.

I find this passage from Philippians 4:6-7 to be very comforting – “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

I also remember to follow my own advice from a few months ago and keep things in perspective. I have much to be thankful for and I trust in God’s plan for my life. I do not know how this current situation in my life is going to play out. I do not know how long my unemployment will last or where I am going to end up. I do not know if my career will continue down the same path or if I am meant to do something different. There is much uncertainty in the months ahead, but God will provide and I know that with His love and encouragement, I can overcome anything.